Well I dint title my advantages for a reason! No one reads ahead if they don’t find the heading interesting! In this way you have to read till the end to smile! ;) (And with a full time job and other addendums that are ornamenting my life currently, I don’t have time for both a heading and an advantage a day!J), so I’m hereby going to help everyone learn Spanish numbers.
What’s the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of your own business? Take a minute…
Well if ambition, dream and independence are a few of the runes you thought of, at the risk of sounding a little rude, I’d say go take a walk. While all these ideas sound very nice in poems, actually managing a business is a completely contrary hoopla. Managing the paperwork is going to be the least of your issues. It’s handling the fervor and frenzy that comes beneath it that is the rocket science, and definitely not everyone’s cup of tea!
So now that you have rethought, the first word that should come to your mind is “Responsibility”. You own a business. Bam! You are hereby responsible not only for yourself but for all of your sycophants, and their respective families as well. You have no big daddy to ask!
Ever heard of the saying “The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. “? Well it’s true! Who you going to blame it on when something goes wrong and you’re the boss? No-one but yourself! So wake up tomorrow, thank god (ancestors if you’re Chinese) that you have a godfather, and head to work with a big smile.
Looking for one?? Send ur CVs to farecruitments@gmail.com
!Hail Monotony!
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